Wen Wang Wathching The Mountains 文王观山
Wen Wang is the most respectful empror in ancient China cause he created a whole system of how to be polite and follwing the rules.
This could be recignized by the identification cultural label by scholars and elites class in ancient China.
While watching the mountains represents the spirit of following the nature and pay no attention to fortune and fame.

Affections In the Mirrior, Fame In the Dream
镜里恩情 梦里功名
This image evoke by the graphics from the back of Chinese ancient mirriors ,still follow the style of black and white from CiZhou Yao (磁州窑)ceramic.
While the crown and the board represents the fame and fortune,the lover birds supposed be together but apart, these images are all at the back of the mirrior,so it says people always could not get what they dream for.

Dragon's Regret 亢龙有悔
Dragon's regret means the man who occupies the high level always regret due to flattered by surrounding people.
In ancient China, people always call the emperor as "dragon" or "the son of dragon".
The emperor in this image with the dinosaur's pony tail represents there is no apparently gap between dinosaurs and dragon when too proud to control the empire or country.